
From Co-founder and Director Sarah Symon

How often do you hear – where has the year gone, and here we are again rounding off another year.  WHAT A YEAR.

As a nation, we aren’t great at celebrating achievements or acknowledging success, yet who we are as an organisation and a human being is founded on those achievements and successes.  A brilliant young man recently talked about the vision we have is as a result of being on the shoulders of those who went before us, allowing a higher and broader view.  As a nation, New Zealand punches well above its weight in sports, business, science, innovation, and more, and we get to do that as a result of those who went before us and our own achievements and successes.

2015 has been highly successful for our consultancy arm Real Consult, with a number of exciting research projects for clients at local and national levels and outcomes that are making a real difference in the residential building industry.  We have had also the privilege of assisting a number of homeowners to achieve resolution in building and pre-purchase inspection disputes through our contribution as an expert witness.

Demand for our pre-purchase and building surveying services remains high, as we look to increase demand and expand in the key centres.

The house inspection industry has also seen a massive shift this year with the Building Officials Institute, Accredited Building Surveyors (ABS) launch of the new ABS Accreditation Programme.  In addition to demonstrating suitable qualifications, skills, competency and knowledge, the Programme now requires each inspector to undertake a 3-day training programme providing the basis of requirements of an ABS.  Realsure are proud their co-founders are the facilitators for this programme.

Yes, we are training our competitors.  Bruce Symon was recently asked by a participant why are we training the competition.  His answer was succinct “We are sick to death of working with people who have been given bad building reports and sick of seeing house inspectors being sued.  Its time house inspectors recognised building surveying is a profession.”  We remain committed to making a difference with the house inspection industry and this year BOINZ recognised that commitment in awarding Bruce a BOINZ Excellence Award for services to BOINZ.

BOINZ Accreditation is recognised by the Real Estate Agency Authority as a source for Standard compliant Surveyors.

We are currently also upgrading our entire IT, communications and Software systems to develop even better reporting and efficiency for our clients and industry – so watch this space.

Upon reflection, it has been a busy year and standing on the shoulders of 2015’s achievements – the view for 2016 has Realsure and all those working with it operating at an even higher level.  I can’t wait!

In closing, again I would like to thank all of you who have used or referred our services.  Without you, we would not exist.  I would also like to acknowledge the amazing individuals who make up the Realsure Group.  Each committed to providing you with the best service, information and support.

With a year of national and international highs – Rugby World Cup, and lows – such as the loss of greats like Jonah Lomu and the horrific terrorist activity, as we remember those we have lost, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on what you have achieved over the past year and acknowledge your achievements great and small, as it is a great uplifting way to end the year.

On behalf of the Realsure Group, I wish you all a wonderful time with your family and loved ones over the Christmas break.  We look forward to working with you in 2016
